Image of a house cleaner from Arbor Trail Cleaning Co wiping down a countertop with a gloved hand and a rag.

Metro Detroit Deep Cleaning

Ever find yourself needing to give your home some overdue Spring cleaning? Some homes need more care than others, especially if you haven't had it professionally cleaned for a while. But as a homeowner you are incredibly busy, juggling all of the events that come with family, work, and a bit of fun. We created our Deep Cleaning Package for busy homeowners just like you whose home warrants some extra care to meet their expectations, or whose home hasn't been professionally cleaned in some time.

This package includes our Routine Cleaning package, additional wet-wiping and dusting, plus additional cleaning of appliances and furniture. You can schedule your Deep Clean on a weekly, biweekly, or even monthly basis to ensure your home stays spotless. Regardless, we make the first cleaning we do with you a Deep Clean to make sure your house is ready for any recurring visits. Please visit our checklist page for a detailed list of package services.


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